Happy Easter from the Hanna family!
So sorry that I have taken so long to update the blog. Our family has gone into ultra busy mode since I returned back to teaching at the end of February. Spring brings so many activities with it: the boys have baseball starting up but thank the Lord that they are on the same team, so practices and games won't leave the family on different fields this year. CG is still dancing away and gearing up for the recital in May, she will be a beautiful ballerina. I have end of year awards programs to rehearse and music and entertainment for the relay for life pageant at school. SPRING BREAK is here though and that means No ball, No dance and No responsibility at the moment! I am excited that we have a full week with no plans except hanging out at home and enjoying this nice weather!
Nastia has been a part of our family for only 4 months......seriously it seems like she has been with us forever! She has made amazing progress since landing on American soil. I will say that she is going to one day appear on the show hoarders! I have NEVER in my life understood what it means to "piddle" until Nastia came into my life. This girl has treasures hidden all over our house. Every bag in her room is full of junk that she finds throughout the day. I am not being mean about it, we think it is hilarious! She adores her sister, follows her around all day, and has learned most of her english from CG. One of the coolest things about the girls is that they make the other one a better person! Before Nastia came, CG was meek and would let another child take her toys and not fight to get it back. Nastia can be a little bully, she came to us that way. If she wants something she is going to take it. It didn't take long for CG to learn to stand her ground. If Nastia takes a toy now, CG sternly will say "no Nastia, you don't snatch toys". Nastia has learned this and is learning how to share and get along with other children so much better! Nastia is amazing and did I mention how beautiful she it? Those almond eyes and pouty lips.......we are in trouble with these pretty girls around!!!!