Sunday, February 20, 2011

Celebrating All the Wins!

Church planting has been a long and lonely road. It is sort of like a ball game in that you win some and you loose our case it has been energy, drive and sometimes people. There are weeks when we are on cloud 9 and then there have been weeks when we are all just dragging, no energy whatsoever. The holiday season was rough, lots of low attendance Sundays. I know that attendance shouldn't mean that much, but when you are a church of 15 and you only have like 20, you cannot help but get discouraged. Then January & February came........things have begun to turn around. Our energy has gone through the roof. This has been truly a God thing, and I also think it has a lot to do with us stepping back and celebrating the wins, ALL of them! We used to think the only wins were having large crowds and seeing people come to Jesus (seeing people saved is our number 1 focus), but some of our celebrations now are just the simple fact that we can set up church each Sunday, the fact that we have raised 32% of our $5,000 goal to dig a well in only 4 weeks, or the simple fact that God has so graciously blessed us with so much musical talent that we cannot fit them all on stage each Sunday, or that we meet in a HUGE building for FREEEEEEEE! Jesus has given Oasis the ability and the drive and it would be selfish of us not to jump in with everything we have and say "use US Lord, use US"!

I have been through my times of doubt and depression as I have battled with the idea of do we even need to continue and I can tell you now, without a doubt that God is holding this church together and wants it to succeed. Our God never ceases to amaze me. When I say we can't, He says "oh yeah, well watch this!" So, God has shut my mouth and boy am I glad He did. I am so thankful for Oasis church and all the other churches in our surrounding area who see the needs outside their four walls! What a mighty God we serve!

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