Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It Just Keeps Getting Better

March 9, 2002 at 2:00 in the afternoon, I, a very young 20 year old, married my best friend. We were young, but our parents believed in us and knew that we were doing things in God's timing. After graduating college, welcoming our 3 children into the world, planting a church & now seeking to adopt our #4 from Russia....let's just say these have been 9, full, crazy & wonderful years. We have cried over money, raising kids, following God's will.....laughed over inside jokes, milestones our children have made and how other people view us(yeah, that's the best one).
I had a teenager tell me the other day that my husband was FINE, and I laughed.....but then I told her, yeah, of course he is!!! I am so honored that he chose me! Who would have thought that the really cute, blonde kid in my aunts jumprope club would one day become my husband and the most amazing father of my kids? Getting older is scary, I am unsure of what is coming our way within the next 5-10 years, but one thing I can hold on to is the promise that God will guide us through it all. Thank goodness I get to walk this journey with Curt!

C- is for how caring and thoughtful my husband is. He always put our needs before his own!
U- is for his understanding that I am different than he is and I will always process information differently than he does. This has become very helpful as we have journeyed through this church plant.
R- is for his reckless abandon.....this is how he loves, adores and follows Christ!
T- is for his tender heart towards those in need. His heart breaks daily for those who are less fortunate than us, which is why he is determined to live his life to give to others!

Happy anniversary Curtis, lurv ya;)!!!

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