Sunday, March 27, 2011

What I am looking forward to.....

WOW, what an amazing week!!!! After last weeks record attendance at church, the birth of Cann great grand #11 (she is need of much prayer) I just didn't think I was even going to be able to sleep last night. Much of yesterday was spent making preparations for today's church service. From making lists of names of people to invite to praying over each name at 1:00 am during a horrific thunderstorm, God has showed Himself faithful! I woke up this morning to more rain and children who didn't want to get motivated and move out the door, but Curt and I were both determined to be on time and to be pumped because we were expecting BIG things!!! This week was our first official week in the exercise room. We moved this week because as of last week we had outgrown the front room at the YMCA. We knew our crowd was going to be bigger but we had no idea what God was about to do. After a big breakfast cooked by our sweet Regina (her pancakes are the bomb) we talked about life and the church growth and moving in new volunteers. At 10:30, people began to flood in..........there was no room to move in the lobby.........let's just say I have not given or received that many high fives in years! The exercise room was packed out and there are plans to move to the gym after next week!!!! Carlton actually called it before 10:30, he said, "I figure after next week ya'll will probably be needing that extra space in the back gym"! Well Carlton, you were right!!! As I type, some of our volunteers are at the Lander FCA setting up sound and lights to help reach out to more Lander students.

Here are a few things I am looking forward to:
  • An exhausted husband who will sleep well after this long but successful day of serving the Lord
  • Chatting more with some of our new college students this week
  • Saturday night text/Facebook-a-thon night with a few very special students
  • Sunday morning when we get to do it all again
Sunday is my week off, but I will probably show up early so I can see God work!
This younger generation is craving a relationship with Jesus Christ. Be there to show them the way!!!

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